Saturday, March 24, 2018

It's Official

Yep.  It happened.  I'm officially going senile.  All this working the night shift has caught up with me and suddenly Saturday has transformed into Sunday in my head. 

It's a shame, really.  I'm not that old, yet.  Although, I am turning 55 next weekend.  Lucky for me, I have a husband to set me straight.  Guess he figures he owes me one since I've been reminding him of the day of the week on a semi-regular basis for over 28 years.

Aw, heck!  I'm only a day ahead of myself.  Mom always said I was an overachiever.


  1. Done that many times, so I'm ahead of you although I'm a wee tad younger in years. Usually it's Thursday and thinking it's Friday, but it totally happens other days, too. And gee, I had a similar experience with BC not knowing either the day of the week or which day of the month. I used to keep a whiteboard calendar in the kitchen and mark each day off, so that if I was not home, he could figure it out. ... yes, I failed to cross off sometimes, but it still put him ahead of the game!

  2. I feel ya! You super overachieving friend. I am a couple years ahead of you, so expect to drive all the way past a store about 10 miles and realize you missed it and while driving to it, pass it again because you had to go to the bank. Yep. Go to scoop the cat litter and end up going by the laundry..uh..why does that cat litter smell? (as you are folding laundry. I am envious of your uniform. Have I told you that lately? Oh yes. And the pens in the pocket. I keep a whiteboard too, raptorunner. Now if I could remember to cross of the days...

  3. Hee! I forgot to come back and check for comments. Silly old me.
